Alessandro Farina Relatore

D.S.A. - Digital Forensics Expert – Senior Project Manager Happy Father (13 year experience granted) Addicted to volunteering in CyberSecurity Awareness, HackInBo Main Staff member, RomHack Main Staff Member, CyberSaiyan. Information Technology Expert – Senior Project Manager, Working Partner of D.S.A. S.r.l. Linux and Free software early and happy adopter and developer. I’ve tried to spread the free software philosophy in every place where I’ve worked, sometimes achieving big successes. I’m a digital forensics expert, I work with Ministry of Justice Office of Public Prosecutor an almost all Italian Law Enforcement Agencies – Private companies (names covered by NDA) I give support for IT security, Incident response e Cybercrime to medium to big public and private companies. I’ve been technical advisor for incident response and Computer Forensics with various Law firms. Law Enforcements assistant for inspections and searches.
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