Alessio Petracca Relatore

Alessio Petracca è laureato in ingegneria informatica presso il Politecnico di Milano. Lavora nel campo della sicurezza informatica dall'inizio della sua carriera professionale. E' focalizzato principalmente su attività di infrastructure ed application security sia offensiva che difensiva.
  • External Attack Surface (from mapping to monitoring) Sometimes there is a lack of visibility on new services exposed on the internet on which a company must be aware of. At the same time, these exposed services (on purpose or accidentally) may be affected by some vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that represent a risk for the company and a possible exploitation for an attacker. This talk will walk through a practical approach to the discovery, the mapping and the monitoring of the external attack surface of a company. - 10:45/11:30, 31 Oct 2020