Francesco Iubatti Relatore

Francesco Iubatti is a Senior Threat Intelligence Analyst at Cleafy. After he got a Bachelor's degree in Computer and Automation engineering from the Politecnico delle Marche, he has spent many years performing penetration test on embedded devices used in critical infrastructure and mobile app. During the last years he has analyzed tons of Android malware and discovered two new banking trojan families: SharkBot and TeaBot.
  • A deep dive into advanced Android banking Trojan campaigns In the last two years, a major spike of malicious applications on mobile devices was reported in multiple European countries, including Italy, since both local and international TAs (Threat Actors) are taking advantage of this digital transformation, in view of the rapidly increasing volume of digital transactions and availability of fresh targets. During our presentation, we will deep dive into modern Android banking trojans including the most consolidated strategies found in the wild, and provide to the audience real-world examples based on our daily analysis. - 10:45/11:30, 28 May 2022
  • Chiacchiere con i Relatori Utilizziamo quest'ultima parte di evento per fare qualche domanda ai relatori - 16:45/17:15, 28 May 2022